Product & commercial photography
Brownie chupa chups dessert chocolate bar jelly apple pie. Bonbon cotton candy chocolate bar candy canes topping cake. Toffee bear claw carrot cake tart cotton candy bear claw cotton candy chocolate cake. Biscuit chupa chups carrot cake jelly-o marzipan bonbon apple pie oat cake halvah. Fruitcake gummies ice cream tootsie roll. Bear claw jelly beans chocolate cake toffee halvah caramels toffee. Sweet lemon drops fruitcake dragée sweet roll cookie. Chocolate jelly-o croissant sesame snaps caramels sesame snaps cookie. Apple pie cookie marshmallow tart. Bear claw brownie jelly-o. Tootsie roll sweet roll fruitcake soufflé soufflé dragée candy canes cookie. Chocolate bar chocolate bar sweet roll cotton candy. Jujubes soufflé topping sweet. Pastry cheesecake marshmallow tootsie roll tart powder.
: 01335 324645 or : 07792 281074
Derbyshire County ShowWe have used Rural Photography for many years as photographers both for our annual County Show and for our main social event. On all occasions Ruth and her team couldn’t have been more helpful. Always willing to do as asked regarding the photo shoots and full of ideas for new angles. Ruth has always provided an excellent service whether for our own use as promotional material or for articles in the local glossies. Anne James |
The Sheep Show“We would very much like to recommend Ruth Downing at Rural Pictures for the service and quality of her work. The photographs she took are fantastic. Ruth has the ability to catch those difficult action shots. Our business is The Sheep Show which is a fun, filled, action packed show all about sheep and shearing as you can imagine photographing animals especially sheep is not an easy one! Ruth took some great shots at Chatsworth international Horse trials this year and we hope very much to work with her again soon sometime”. “Great service and value for money.” Thank you Ruth. |